Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Come of age

The year slid through
Leaving memories few
I recall…..
I limped and limped
Tread when was a plight
I jumped and jumped
When it was but a delight

Today, I set to pace the flight
Hoping things would go straight
For once, my heart breaks the muzzles
Come of age, it strongly rustles
Face with grit, strike any hassles
Hold with calm, all that dazzles,
For, you have no chance to stop,
Got to glide until you are at the top

Days come and go by,
Who says years don’t roll by?
Time flies, not to hear your call,
Even when you have had the biggest fall,
Don’t you seek in ' Time' , a friend
But, in the morals you comprehend.


Nero said...

A new year, a fresh, clean start; a year full of possibilities, like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on..

(shamelessly stolen from Calvin and Hobbes :))

Happy New Year, Rashmi!

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

Thanx for the wishes.
By the way, someone like Calvin has told that "Copyright is the right to copy!!" ..... so no worries.:-)