Wednesday, January 18, 2006

All great men think alike (!!??)

All great men think alike” is an age-old proverb which always puts me into a lot of disarray. Sometimes, I feel that the adage is absolutely right when I get to see some parliamentary sessions happening …….. more often than not, no two people seem to think alike there!!
But then, when two answer booklets looked alike ( presumably, for the reason that the students thought alike) in college, the repercussions on the students for their fault of being great and hence thinking alike, have always been horrible….
If all the big shots thought alike, wouldn’t we have a single discovery or a single invention or a single thesis or a single this or single that?....... Ooops! things just add to my confusion.
Utterly confused!!
Although, there is no mention of women in the adage, I thought it applied to women too. Or is it only for men?..... Don’t tell me that women don’t think!!! ......
Is anyone also confused and thinking alike ? … Asking out of desperation to consider myself also great!!


Dalaharp said...

I imagine girls and bugs have a dim perception that nature played a cruel trick on them but they lack the intelligence to really comprehend the magnitude of it. - Calvin(not me!!)

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

Calvin wanted....... Alive!

Nero said...

Looks like you could use some of that coffee from your prev post.
Wake up!

HaRi pRaSaD said...

:) Crazy and funny!! That did tickle my funny bones...