Monday, January 09, 2006

Iron Jawed Angels

I guess, in the backdrop of an argument with a friend on when American women were granted suffrage, the right to vote, in such a powerful democracy with a history dating back to 18th century, the movie I saw over the weekend " Iron Jawed Angels" had a great impact.
Coming back to the debate on the topic, this issue crept in when we were discussing on some related issue and it was a shock to the other person when I said that in a robust democracy like America too , women had to struggle for years ( close to a century and a half) before they were granted to have their say in August 1920. Thanks to the efforts of Alice Paul, a great legend in the history of America who strengthed the struggle, not to forget the efforts of lots of like-minded women constituting the National Women's Party (NWP). The hardship they went through for seeking their right is inexplicable. The government headed by Woodrow Wilson didn't seem to heed even after witnessing years of struggle by the women.At last, the government inevitably gave in , failing to bear the effect of all the hunger protests, silent protests and prison sentences, brought an amendment in the constitution granting the veto power to women.
I still remember how elated I was when I voted for the first time since I had my say in the mandate. I am sure, I, like other fellow-beings, would also have been deprived of that opportunity had the brave women not awakened the world.
Some links throwing light on Alice Paul and the revolution:
However, "Iron Jawed Angels" is a movie that brings the picture of the struggle and it indeed is worthy of watching. Here I go to add that movie to my favourites list.


Sujeet said...

Though in the US, the women have been granted the right to vote,it is highly debatable,if they really are respected for their self worth as much as the men are.Being free,does not always mean you are respected for all you are worth.

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

That's indeed an unfortunate truth :-(