Friday, January 13, 2006

A lot can happen over coffee!!

My day seemed to end the moment it started off, or at least I felt so after all the fatigue I experienced.The cough, cold and headache indeed had bogged me down. It could have, of course,served as a good excuse to escape from office on some other day. I staggered to office against my will as it was required for me to be present to complete my work. I thought, folks could read my face and figure out that I am sick and spare me from work. My speculation failed again. But for the person suffering from cold, everyone very easily concludes that cold is a very trivial disorder ( Thank God! people consider it one, at least) to alter the schedule.Out of concern, some people did advise me to have a cup of coffee for some relief. I am, basically, not habituated to drinking coffee and hence didn't take that advice seriously until the same prescription came from a lot more mouths although I wondered what can really happen over coffee.It worked! A sip or two and I was comparatively a renascent soul. Thanks to that miraculous potion.... A lot did happen over coffee!


Nero said...

Welcome to the cubicle!

Dalaharp said...

well, some people think differently....very differently....

applies to coffee too...