Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Business Measure

A : Hi
B : Hi
A : Very busy,huh?
B : Absolutely not. What makes you think so?
A : Not many mail forwards from you, of late.
B : oh! Not me, folks who send forwards to me are busy, or so I believe!!
A : huh?


HaRi pRaSaD said...

:-)So, not forwarding mails gives one the impression that the person is busy,huh?! Good! May be you could have come up with something like "Mails? Sorry buddy, I don't even get the time to check them these days. Forget about forwarding them!"
Now, that opens an interesting discussion point...
Why the hell do people forward mails? I don't complain about the good morning mails or the similar ones. It is ones that ask us to forward the mails to 8 people( or may be more) so that something good happens to us,that drive me crazy. What on earth does the mail creator get by forming a chain of stupids forwarding the mails mindlessly??

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

I could have considered the suggestion, but a weakess of being honest, you know! :-)

About the point you made on the chain mails, you are so right. I am equally irritated with such mails and it makes me wonder how people can be so superstitious to encourage the same.

Anonymous said...

Why not complain about 'good morning' mails? To say 'good morning' no mails are needed. They're bandwidth cloggers. First of all 'good morning itself is not needed. Now before I write something that'd make the blog owner mindlessly delete all the comments, l have to finish off with my point.

What's the point in discussing such topics if we cannot do anything about it? I've listed my suggestions.

1. You shall simply delete the chain mails
2. You shall reply to chain mail senders that you don't want to receive chain mails in future and try to explain the problems associated with them (if you know, in the first place)
3. You shall reprimand the senders
4. Employers shall warn the employees against chain mails
5. Employers shall deprive the employees of internet access
6. Communism shall prevail in our country to deprive everybody of such facilities
7. I'll not write the last point for the fear of getting all these comments deleted by the blog administrator.

Special technique for the superstitious:
Get a picture of a gruesome death (an accident, horrible disease, murder etc.). Compose a mail saying that a blood drenched note was found in the victim's inner rightside pocket of his shirt apparently written by God declaring that He's punished the victim for sending chain mails and that this should be a lesson to everybody. Send this to all the superstitious and let them send further to the other idiots.

But, after sending that you too would've become a sender of chain mails.

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

All the suggestions are very valid ( more so the 7th ! hehehe) .I must rate this response of yours as the best so far. I'm glad to get them. I have been very sincerely following the first suggestion offered by you as a rule so far and I am sure I'll do it later too.

About the need for Good Morning mails, there is a dire need for them in the IT industry because they do serve a significant role in making us aware that there come many mornings in between a single long working day running in the multiples of 24!

HaRi pRaSaD said...

Anon- Im afraid that you have misunderstood me. I believe that I am not that dumb to ask for "suggestions" to curb the menance of chain mails. All I wanted to know was, does repeated forwarding of the mails earn any profit to the guy who created the mail? Why would someone spend his time on creating a mail (For eg: The one that claimed that Microsoft would pay us in dollars, based on the number of people we forward the mail to)and circulate it widely across the globe?
5. Employers shall deprive the employees of internet access.

Corporate ids don't need internet access as far as I know.

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

Coming to the 5th point that you highlighted, if not completely, it would definitely help considerably.
And, why chain mails get generated at all? ... one reason possibly is the existence of some psychopaths!

Bohemian said...
