Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Birthday or Achievement?

Not sure of the source as I read it a number of years ago. But, it touched me . "After 25, celebrate achievements, not birthdays", someone had told or quoted. However, it makes a lot of sense.

As I turn 27 today, not sure why umpteen number of phone calls, scraps or treats could not make me get excited about the day at all . Feeling happy is a different thing, which I did for all the wishes from near and dear. But the excitement part, not sure why, was missing.

For the first time in life, I have treated the day quite as much as I would take any other day.
Ageing huh?

With no achievements yet, need to go a long way for an occasion to celebrate!


Monika said...

happy birthday girl...

there is a logic there in that achievement thingy but nonetheless birthdays are meant to celebrated

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

Thanks a lot, Monika :)

Yes... agree with you on that.

Anonymous said...

Belated b'day wishes!

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

Thanks,buddy :)