Thursday, November 10, 2005


So, you did it again? “, said mama (To be precise ‘mom ‘…... one friend had bugged me asking if ‘mama’ meant uncle!). If by chance, I am not wrong (Not using ‘If I am right’ intentionally) she must have said it for the nth time, approx. I am averse to mathematics. So, I don’t break my head counting them.

When mom’s quote is isolated from all the intricate details of what led to its origin, at least folks who know me sparsely may suppose that I have scaled new heights in my endeavours! . The agony is that she mostly plays that recorded dialogue (more aptly monologue) frequently when the familiar audience is packed to capacity ruling out even the bleak chances of my getting that momentary false acclaim.

Coming to her expression, no one but me has the ability (this word sounds a little soothing to hear from mom’s mouth!) to worsen my acts. Her analysis of my messiness is, kind of, a trait not knowing upper bounds whatsoever and if it does, then resting comfortably at the peak All I am for is to do a messy thing followed by another (How else to refer that better than “So, you did it again?“ ).
If any soul has a sympathetic image of mine in mind and craving to know the secret of my sustenance, I would say, folks with gray matter haven’t said ‘Ignorance is Bliss’ irrelevantly.
Well, I am not aiming at venting my depression for there is no reason for it to be done. Certainly, my mom is the best (more so when she isn’t reprimanding). Such incidents are very much trivial and presumably happen in every house. Most parents do say that their peers next door are the luckiest to have such wonderful boy/ girl for a child. Surely, parents don’t mean it, and if they do, I am glad that at least people next door consider it lucky to have a kid like me and envy my parents. Sort of, changing perspectives for certain facts can’t be. Comparison is ubiquitous and can’t outcast myself from that. Talking of parental comparisons, it perhaps is a consequence of high hopes and aspirations to see their kids at the top. Who doesn’t know that they are the first in the world to rejoice for any success of ours?
The urge to jot this came because my mom started her monologue when I proudly said that my college-mate had prospects of getting an onsite-opportunity. Looking at my perplexed face (was wondering what I did this time……) she said, “you are just not proactive, not serious, not this, not that…….. to grab such opportunities “. This was just one instance of the many which tests my overwhelming ignorant attitude too. Day in and day out, the soap opera continues and all I do to console myself that I haven’t been at that big a fault when my mom speaks so , is by doing this mum-speak : " Mike testing 1, 2, 3 , Mike testing 1, 2, 3 ....... Mr. God, So, you made this lone faulty soul do it again, huh? “

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