Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The wrong of right

In certain countries, people fought for years to obtain the right, to vote. We the people, of the biggest democracy in the world perceive the right for the liberty to evade from execution, if not all , at least a significant 'we'.

30-40% or less turn-out at the polling booths, is shocking, considering the populous wealth our country possesses. As much we might argue that there hardly is any consequence in our voting or otherwise, but evasion will nip the ounce of the prime opportunity at hand, to do our bit to correct the system.

Unfortunately, it takes voting to be made a  duty rather than right to get citizens out of their cozy beds on a paid holiday to lend their opinion on who should rule them.  Whatever it takes...

For once, I am impressed with this decision of Narendra Modi and his government. Quite a dynamic move, beyond doubt.
More on this can be read at http://www.deccanherald.com/content/42164/voting-mandatory-gujarat-local-polls.html


Unknown said...

I am with you on this that voting should be a fundamental duty of every citizen..

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

True dear, if people fail to volunteer, unfortunately it has to be compelled on them.