Monday, March 26, 2007


I had chanced upon an astrology book at home when I was probably in my high school. The curiosity that built up in me made me read the traits of folks under the sign I belong to, despite the fact that I don’t really believe in the concept called astrology. Although, I too possess some traits as described by all the astrological gurus, I owe it to coincidence.

The one point that had strengthened my disbelief was one sentence that I try to reproduce literally here; “You are a person always wanting to take different routes to your house, everyday”. No way! Me never for that intensity of change in routine. I generally hate deviations from routine unless they are exceptions like someone gifting a box (well, won’t mind if two too!) of chocolates for no reason!!

But of late, I realize that the fact that had reinforced my disbelief is true, indeed very true. I do take different routes to the exit door from my cubicle on my way home!! Now should I have a second thought on the strength of Astrology? The predictions seem so right. But, would it still stand valid, since I take different routes not for want of change but to escape from my manager’s hawk-eye!!By the way, should I just mind my business and wonder if the predictions are going right or take a look at others’ traits too before I start thinking about validating astrology? If I take different routes, so do others, after all, the manager not manages just one person, you see! And, all of them are not born under the same sign!!

Hmmm…. Let me see what I can do about it. It’s time to leave for home and since I see my manager near the printer area, I guess, it would be a good idea for me to take the entrance-to-the-pantry-and-exit-from-there-route for the day!!


Anonymous said...

May i know the different routes u r talking about are in M3 or in NetApps ;-)


Rashmi Kantharaja said...

well.... ;)

catch 22 said...

Ha ha good one , sadly for me there exists only one exit route out of my cubicle and I have to see the damager :), but I make sure i don do that because anyways i work late.

And about astrology I too don believe in it but its intriguing in a way and the traits do match a bit. There was a time when I used to guess peoples zodiac signs after i meet them and then ask their DOBs.

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

So true, quite some traits do match, mysterious to me and natural according to many!!

Monika said...

oh i so hope it was not in m3 ;-)

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

LOL.... well...