Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wafers or kith?

....not a tough choice really, I mean, is there a choice? Wafers, of course!

While we make friends, I am sure we also make some enemies or 'I-dislike-you' folks, every now and then.  About new friends made today, I am not sure but most certainly I would got some folks added to 'I-Dislike-Rashmi' bandwagon.

And you know what the problem is, a pack of yummy wafers!

It is so crunchy and one bite can be so noisy that your colleagues can't help but distract themselves from work and raise their eye-brows to give a weird glance. Besides that, they feel bad that  you are not considering yourself close to them that you don't offer them one.

It is so crispy that one bite and so many flakes fall on the carpet, to fetch enough blessings from the house-keeping staff.

It is so untidy that however efficiently you wipe your face, you will fail in removing that one nagging flake stuck somewhere near your cheek.

And the real worse part is that the wafers are so additive that you care less for the raised eye-brows, 'you-are-not-giving-it-to-me' looks,sweetened carpet, untidy face that got untidier still...

Well, Pardon me folks, one last bite...crunch...

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