Friday, January 01, 2010

Walk to Freedom

Once upon a time, in the centre of Bangalore city, Gandhinagar that is, there existed the Central Jail guarded with huge walls and fence all around. As the urge to peek at things is proportionate to the urge to hide them, we would gape at the walls with the hope that our sight would pierce through them to help us catch a glimpse of the dark world, so hyped in the movies. Thoughts of criminals as being different entities altogether harboured in our minds then. Back then, we were kids, you see!

As I went past the location today, I was reminded of the hide-and-seek game we played as kids.  There exists no such need anymore. I didn't mean to say that criminals are easy to see outside than within the boundaries of the jail. Transformation to the core has occured. Strange contrast one might call it, what was once a Central 'Jail' is now 'Freedom' Park! Yes, Central Jail is relocated to make space for a park for public.

While I write this, I am so reminded of a kannada song, so philosophical and touching but unrelated perhaps, which says "tappu maadadavru ellovre... tappe maadadoro ellovre..   kalrannella jailige haakodaadre bhoomige beli haakabelava?" meaning to say, "  Is there anyone who hasn't committed a mistake? If we have to jail the wrong-doers, we have to fence the whole world!!"

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