Thursday, October 20, 2005

Today's food served today (!?)

It was another lousy afternoon and a timely lunch break seemed a dire need for an iota of life. So, my friends and myself left for the cafeteria, of course with no expectations of deviation from the routine. As usual, we were greeted by the same menu,same aroma ( Did I say that?? ) and same plates and spoons which seemed washed though. But, for the first time in quite some time now, we were in the wrong. A surprise, to bring about a small change in the routine, awaited us. A coffee day counter stood in the corner of our cafeteria, overnight. Our joy knew no bounds at the sight of it. The chicken burgers, choco doughnuts, pastries and sandwiches arranged to the best inside the glass-case didn’t fail to tempt us. Everything but the guy who graced the stall was perfectly in place. Not a single rock on earth could ever match his petrified face! I knew instantly that I had to nickname him Mr.Rock. With our friend’s birthday round the corner, precisely ten days from then, we decided to party there on that day to taste all the goodies. So, we kept our temptations dormant for some time.
As each day went by, Mr.Rock became less and less busy. The glass-case housed the same (literally speaking) burgers and doughnuts that hadn’t moved an inch from their place. After a week slipped by, I could notice a signboard stating “ TODAY’S FOOD SERVED TODAY ” hanging right above the right shoulder of Mr.Rock which only helped me in visualizing the statue of Hercules, the only difference being that the signboard occupied the place of the globe! A hearty laugh that lasted for quite some time was the impulsive response but after it receded, the signboard’s presence drove me into serious contemplation……
Today’s food served today? I always thought and expected that today’s food would be served today, everywhere. Now, I have my doubts. More thoughts in that angle leaves me perplexed with more doubts stacked up.First of all, did Mr.Rock really trash all the week-old burgers and sandwi(t)ches? If so, why did today’s burgers look week-old? It sure must be a classic citation of heredity!
Anyway, I really hope that the signboard perks up Mr.Rock’s business, be it by miracles. However, with friends who were too busy to be this observant of the condition of what had to be our prospective party-zone, I had foreseen that I would fall sick on my friend’s birthday and stay away from office. I was determined to do anything to abscond from the party in that abode of anti-aging entities!


Nero said...

Reminds me of my college canteen; actually more of a museum than a canteen...
Great writing, all these pieces on your blog! Keep them coming!

HaRi pRaSaD said...

I guess you have a liking for thinking and analysing each and every incident of your life. In the process you get confused and by reading yours posts we get perplexed!
Keep confusing and drive people insane. All the best
