Sunday, July 13, 2008

Anything but......

Perchance,a channel telecasting the mythological serial "Ramayana" got honoured during our mindless channel browsing. The scene was that Hanuman goes to Lanka to convey Rama's regards to Sita. He does so and in return gets Choodamani as a mark of memory from Sita to Rama.

Rama: Hanuman,hope Sita is safe and doing alright.

Hanuman : Yes Lord, she is. She is fine but for the worry of not being with you.

Rama : Yes, I understand. I shall get her back very soon.

Hanuman: Ture Lord. By the way, here's the choodamani Sitadevi has sent through me to you.

Rama : [At his emotional best looking at the choodamani] Hanuman, I am grateful to you for having been a messenger for us.

Hanuman : The honour is all mine, Lord. I am ever-ready to do anything to the Lord of my heart.

Rama: Hanuman, please tell me what I can give you for the favour you have done...[This is where Rags pitches in, assuming that Rama's sentence was incomplete, he went on to complete it. As per him, This had to be Rama's dialogue,
Rama: Hanuman, please tell me what I can give you for the favour you have done, well, anything but for a site in Bangalore!!!]

Thankfully, Hanuman only asked for a place in Rama's heart and not a site in Bangalore!!
Perhaps,he must have understood the helplessness of his Lord, unsaid.


Monika said...

ha ha so very true... my sis has been looking for some flat or site to invest in from past 4 months now and the price of everything is aky high and she has finally decided to invest in delhi now... its crazy out here

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

Agreed. Been really tough to take such decisions.