Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Control nahin hota?

I was at the right place at the right time, that is at the time when we would want to discuss gender-based issues at teenage, I was in a fairly liberal girls' pre-university college that posed no hindrance for such discussions,be it with lecturers or with fellow students.We used to have innumerable discussions of such sort, when the students and lecturers alike would express their experiences,personal or what they had witnessed in the daily life. As I said, the topics were innumerable,considering the fact that it was almost close to a decade ago,I would have forgotten all the topics of discussion, well I might not be able to enlist the topics, but surely they have had a permanent impact on my life. Recollecting some of the instances;one of the lecturers was saying that she used to notice a girl wearing a jacket to college everyday which meant even during hot summers.Out of all curiosity, when she asked the student why she had to wear a jacket even on hot days, the girl instantly said that she was wearing a jacket not to protect herself from the harsh weather but from the misbehaving conductors or other men in the bus!! Such discussions were a way of making us aware of prevalence of the wickedness in the world,helping us realise that innocence that was still very much embedded in us at that age could blind us from confronting the incidents with seriousness or caution. Only after having such discussions and listening to others' experiences did we realise that every other day, the guys (and uncles and grandparents too - well, shameless uncles and grand-parents of god-knows-whom,not mine!!) that fall or lean on a girl in the bus need not necessarily be doing out of helplessness in a jam-packed bus!
Another of such instances that I can recollect, something that can't afforded to be forgotten more so for its prevalance is the case of men pissing in public places. Barring the gentlemen,I wonder how some men shamelessly get into the act in public as if with a strong feeling that the whole world is his home! Well, the urge is unbiased to women too, but the urge to control the urge exists in women, but why not in most of the men?
When it comes to such shameless acts or girls, I guess some men can only tell "Kya kare, control hi nahin hota"!!! No cure for this weakness, is it?

Well, gentlemen out there, please note that all the offense intended is for the sinful folks, not a generalisation in any case. We do believe and hope that sane men exist on earth.


Ramprasad said...

Surprised there haven't been any comments.

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

Well, me not too surprised. Unfortunately, very often it is considered a taboo to be talking about it, forget commenting on it.
While it is more of a civic sense, it is considered more of a daring attitude I suppose. Alas!

Monika said...

he he there are endless such examples... men in this country are strange and as u said its more of daring attitude they link these thinks with their manliness...

anyways happy diwali to u and ur family

HaRi pRaSaD said...

For a person who is quite uncomfortable to relieve himself even in a crowded restroom, it truly stumps me when I see men urinate in public in full glare just like the dogs. It is these shameless assholes who convert every single bus stand, among many other places, into large open urinals. To an extent,men relieving themselves on roadsides away from full visibility, during bus travels makes some kind of sense. Of course I needn't explain the physical difficulties a woman needs to face if she were to do so.May be the only solution might be the government building restrooms every 50kms on highways. Again feasibility is a question.I am not trying to justify this act but only saying that it is comparatively less disgusting when compared with the brainless moron urinating on a wall,a few feet away from the paid public toilet in a bus stand.

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

