Friday, September 01, 2006

Generation Gap!

Hey Dad,
I am doing fine. You know what, this time around I am not crying the way I used to do every time I mailed. As you said, I am growing older and have to take control of my emotions. Also, I know why you left me in a residential school, that too in the one you studied only. Isn't it to see me grow the way you did? Dad, I also would be very proud to be like you.
My English ma'am said " Like Father, Like Son". But, dad, last week, I happened to see the seniors' archive answer sheets in the library.I always look for only your answer sheets there because I like to look up to you and follow your foot steps.
This time, I was so horrified to see a wrong answer in your booklet and your ma'am has corrected it and awarded full marks. Dad, Pluto is not a planet,how could you write that and your ma'am consider it correct? I was so depressed to see your wrong answer,that too for such a simple question!!'s ok, dad , I will keep it a secret. I took a lot of time to write this mail because, I know you hate spelling mistakes. I always used to get the errors in my mail corrected from seniors,but this time I didnt show the mail to them because they would get to know that you don't know that Pluto is not a planet and start mocking me.
So I had to look up the dictionary and correct the mistakes and then send the mail.It's ok.... dad, mistakes do happen. Pluto is not planet, it is the name of my Warden's dog! But, was that dog here when you studied too? So old, it must be!
Sep 1st, 2020


Nero said...

Now you've started becoming your older self, writing fantastic and all that.. liked it. :)

HaRi pRaSaD said...

:) Good one Rashmi...

Was really nice! If only you keep them coming more frequently!!

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

Was I an imbecile all these days? :P Thanks for the appreciation,though!

Thanks! Will try to be more regular.Me missing my blog too.Most of the times,brain simply doesn't work!:)

HaRi pRaSaD said...

Mam! Its been a long GAP!!

Rashmi Kantharaja said...

Major traffic jam it had been :D